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Pending Electors Can Vote on 14 April

Election Center 12 Feb, 2021 Follow News

Pending Electors Can Vote on 14 April

On Wednesday, 11 February 2021, His Excellency, the Governor issued a proclamation to dissolve parliament and set Wednesday, 14 April 2021 as the new date for the next General Election.

This date was selected in part to ensure newly registered and eligible voters will still be able to cast their vote in the 2021 General Election.

Before the 20 January 2021 registration deadline, 1,406 individuals registered to vote. The names of these voters are now listed on the Revised List of Electors, which was published for public review on 3 February 2021.

Claims and objections relating to the revised list must be submitted before 25 February 2021.

All claims and objections will be published on 4 March 2021. The Revising Officer (Chief Magistrate) will hear these claims and objections between 22 and 26 March 2021.

Following the outcome of the hearings, the revised list will be finalised and become the Official List of Electors on 1 April 2021. Everyone on this list will be entitled to cast their vote, in person, in the General Election on 14 April 2021.

Individuals on the Revised List of Electors who are currently 17-years-old and will not turn 18 on or before the new General Election date will not be eligible to vote on 14 April 2021. Sixteen individuals fall into this category and they will be contacted by the Registering Officers.

Postal voting is available to anyone who will be or are likely to be off island on Election Day. Postal ballots can now be requested and will be dispatched following nomination day for everyone eligible.

Requests for postal or mobile voting from newly eligible voters will be actioned after 1 April 2021. Postal ballots will be dispatched by commercial courier.

Mobile voting is available to anyone on island who is unable to visit a polling station on Election Day. Requests for mobile voting can now be submitted.

Registering Officers will be contacting all persons who submitted postal and mobile voting forms for the May Election date, prior to the announcement of the 14 April 2021 General Election date, to determine if those persons still require postal voting or mobile voting for the new date.

Information on who can qualify for postal or mobile voting can be found at elections.ky along with the necessary forms to complete. Alternatively, individuals may contact the Elections Office at office@elections.ky or visit the office at 68 West Bay Road, George Town.

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