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Celebrate Hospitality Employee Recognition During the Holidays

Tourism 26 Nov, 2019 Follow News

Celebrate Hospitality Employee Recognition During the Holidays

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for many hospitality and tourism businesses.

And, while managers may be stressed… Showing employees some appreciation for the work they’ve done throughout the year is highly recommended.

We all know that receiving recognition for hard work feels good. In fact, research has shown that feeling appreciated is one of the top positive motivators in the workplace. In one poll, 65% of employees claim that their bosses don’t care about their wellbeing. In that case, rather than work in a stressful environment, capable employees prefer to leave.

Employee recognition comes in a wealth of different forms. Recognition-focused events such as team building, brainstorming sessions, games, and special working days (e.g. Mojito Monday’s ) contribute to the level of motivation and engagement employees get at the workplace. And, what better time to recognize employees than the Christmas holidays.

Whether working in a restaurant, bar, hotel, etc. during the holidays, we know there is little time to breathe, much less stop and celebrate. As a business owner or manager, it might be a good idea to take the time- anytime – to show heartfelt appreciation to the people that try every day to increase your business’s profitability. Get into the festive spirit with them and allow them to loosen up during the holidays; especially if you can’t afford to give everyone time off.

Some choose to close the doors early one day a year making time for their employee party, some offer two parties giving different shifts a chance to attend. The owner or manager of the business sets the mood. Invite employees to participate and make sure they are as relaxed as possible.

Some have moved away from a party and just pass out gifts during the working shifts.

To an employee, a reward means that the job performed up to a certain moment is satisfactory. Feeling appreciated instills a sense of commitment and it drives people to work harder, strive to attain goals and grow professionally. Rewards accrue loyalty and the people in your business will become more attached by your mission statement. Both tangible and intangible gifts are appreciated.

Whatever you chose to do, make the time to recognize your team during this season of giving and love. This is a wonderful way to start out the new year on a positive note with an empowered and engaged team.

Here are 10 ways to celebrate employees this holiday season:

• Give employees an experience that takes place outside the business walls. A festive ambiance might be an opportunity for them to share thoughts they haven’t yet had the courage to share.

• Have the late shift come in 20 minutes early to allow the earlier shift to complete a quick white elephant or other fun gift exchange (you provide the gifts)

• Give each employee a gift card; how about a foot massage for those long

• Holiday shifts?

• Hand write each employee a holiday card sharing why you are grateful for them

• Take them out to eat- to an establishment other than where they work

• Create a holiday board listing each employee, their family, and their favorite holiday tradition

• Print and frame a certificate awarding each employee for their hard work, example: Rookie of the year, Mr. Punctual, Best Dressed, Top Sales, etc.

• Provide them a gift catalog and let them choose one item within a certain price range

• Offer them a “paid time off” voucher good for one shift

• Give them a living gift, something that they can revisit throughout the years to come, example: plant, ornament, etc.

Regardless of what you choose, celebrating employee recognition during the holidays must be done right. Socialize and communicate with the team as often as you can, and they won’t hesitate to tell you want they need to feel more productive during business hours. The more attentively you can listen to them, the better chances you have to boost profitability and engagement in the New Year.


Brooke Meyer is the managing partner of Caymera International, a Caymanian-owned hospitality and tourism consulting and advisory firm. Visit Caymera at www.caymeragroup.com or email info@caymeragroup.com for more information.

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